Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Word-Mash-Ups Rock!

Good Morning Blog! I woke up this morning ready to start the day. It’s been a while since I was a morning person. And, wait for it…wait…I was singing. I immensely enjoy singing. It has been a while since I sang. The best times to sing are when you have a theme in mind. Like, if I am on a mission, I always hum the mission impossible song. It’s also my “I’m doing something wrong right now” go to hum, as well. Or if I just got handed a pile of work or received some slightly unsettlingly news, I love to hum “Another one bites the dust”. But nothing, absolutely nothing tops my happy song; Kokomo by the beach boys.

Try singing it right now. Are you smiling? This is why it’s my happy song. I have to admit, that I do have another all time favorite song. I have noticed that I always sing this song when the past is on my mind. I view this song as a representation of my child hood. Silly really, because this song has nothing to do with the way I was raised. Surprisingly, I learned it was my sister’s song from our child hood as well. Ready for it? Mr. Jones by counting crows. I know, silly. I was raised in the 90’s and I guess I remember it being on the radio a lot at a crucial part of my development. And I thought the song was Mr. Jones chosen me vs. Mr. Jones and me; lol, good times. Karaoke, I promise I can and will sing this song verbatim. And if you know me at all, you know my memory usually fails me.

Did-you-know, there is a word for there not being a word to describe something. Do you know this word? I do. I was watching a segment of the Jimmy Kimmel show on Hulu yesterday and he did this pretty fun skit where he was fake marketing his new “exertainment” routine with famous starlets.

Every other word was a made up word by combing two real words. Hottie body humpilates, antisappointment, exersclusive, partiovascular and ridiculawesome are a few of the hilarious word combos he uses. This is how I explain Jen-glish; my native tongue. Sometimes, the English language just hasn’t created a word that exactly describes what I want to say. I have no desire to speak more than I have to…sometimes. A wise man, in my life, refers to them as Jen-isms. They sound like real words. I think Word-Mash-ups are becoming the norm though. I have googled a few and it appears it’s trending; Jimmy Kimmel being the example here. I’d love to learn a new language, but I could see a cruel butchering occurring. Not to mention a slight English mash-in. They call that Enrish if you have the right accent.

Speaking of trending… Twitter? I can not see the appeal of reading a stranger’s every thought. Perhaps if I were a stalker and my prey were tweeting… maybe. How is twitter different than blogging, you ask.

  1. I can use more characters. 
  2. I am not necessarily typing my every thought; technically, I am conversating, one sided, to the world. 
  3. I would be surprised to learn if anyone other than family is even reading this blog. 
My life is interesting to me and family members I don’t talk to nearly enough. Family is important, but sometimes life just gets in the way. Back to twitter, before I fall into another tangent. I actually have a twitter account. I haven’t logged onto it for a very long time because I lost interest within a few hours. It’s probably under Odizus if you care to see my one or two posts.

TANGENT ALERT: If you see an “Odizus” somewhere online, there is a very high chance it is me. Except on political forums where my name is used falsely to attack friends of mine. Real mature, I know. (Here’s a clue, I’m a girl highly disinterested in politics.) Maybe one day I will tell you how I came about this name, maybe.

Why the sudden interest in Twitter? The Oscars, dun dun dunnnn! I no longer have cable, so in order to watch the famous red carpet I had to watch online. The next morning, every talk show was talking about how James Franco, one of the hosts, was tweeting almost every moment including camera phone footage. Stupid twitter. My only relief is that I didn’t pay $.99 for the Oscar app on my phone. Oh well… perhaps I will revisit Twitter if I am brain washed enough by the Sprint commercials. Too bad their extremely horrible customer service trumps any subliminal broadcasting. That’s right, I said it. Sprint, you don’t complete me; only Daft Punk does.

I would love to carry on, but I have an actual mission today. *Starts humming the mission impossible theme song”… I am going to a work shop on how to write a successful resume. I keep telling myself that I am going so I can receive praise on my hard work. And then my other shoulder is telling me that I am going to have them put my ego in check so I can actually create a worthy resume. Either way, I am going. Then possible coffee with a friend of a friend. I need to branch out and explore the different types of people in the world. There is more in the world than just me and my cat, so I am told. No, I am not a crazy cat lady. My one cat is family to me. Chubha per the previous mommy, Chooba or Chewbacca to me. Named for being a chubs… she’s an eater. In a lot of ways, she is exactly like me. We both love our food, love to be grumpy, want what we want now, love our space and both love the color orange. Ok, the last one could be false, but she has more orange in her fur since she became my child 3? years ago. I think she is 6… possible Libra or Sagittarius.

Any who, happy Tuesday readers! I will leave you with this thought: When, as a friend, can you cross the line of honesty and cruelty? It’s one thing to tell someone the truth…an entirely different thing to hurt their feelings or worse, kill their dreams. What do you think?


I woke up many times this weekend not knowing if it was day or night outside. I secluded myself after having a burst of too much emotion. On...