Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wisdom of a Younger Odizus

I googled myself a recently and I came across my old Yahoo Answers account from a while back (some from as far back as 3 years ago). I got to reading some of my answers to people’s questions and I thought, “Hey there is solid gold here”. Some of my answers were a little personal (even for me), but as they say, the internet is in ink. I am going to copy and paste the question and then my answer to their question. I hope this entry isn’t toooooo boring for my readers. I really enjoyed it. It's fun to see how thoughts change with time. Would I answer the same way today? Maybe. ;-) 

Question Asked:
Too much on my mind...Help?I’m the black sheep of the familyThere’s a chance I won’t graduateI’m losing friendsI don’t have a talentI’m always telling myself I’m okay and there’s nothing wrong with me and everything will work outI’m not going to kill myselfBut I feel like times running out and my life is going down hill

Odizus Replied:

I felt the same way. I too am a black sheep of my Persian family. A female who talks over a male and says what she wants when she wants, GASP, unheard of. That's just the tip of the ice berg. I also have word vomit syndrome, **** just comes out. Open mouth, insert foot. I was very suicidal in high school. But then I woke up one morning and I decided that there are children in hospitals every day fighting to live and here I am willing to take my own life. How messed up do I have to be, to be that selfish. Might as well go down to the hospital and scream "neener nanner" to those poor kids. Plus I am in America. People lose their lives everyday trying to get to a country I was already born into. Man I have it good.

So I decided to hold off on killing my self to see where things could go from here. When you kill your self, you aren't just hurting your self. You are hurting everyone around you. Sometimes, when I can really be there for a friend or I can do something, someone else couldn't, I think "If I were dead, would this have turned out as well? Would this person have been helped?"

I barely graduated high school and when i did, I was working two dead end min. wage jobs to pay rent. I fed my self by eating the food i served at work, while I was at work. Then one of those stupid technical college commercials came on and I fell for it, hook line and sinker. The only thing my 9 month program did for me, besides bury me in student loan debt, was get my foot in the door. i love my life. i have a great apartment, with a great cat. My bosses are so cool. They even crack open beers at work occasionally. But I would have missed it all if I had followed through in high school.

The best decision I have made was to go through with life. Life is hard because it teaches you lessons you need to survive. Life isn't fair because nothing ever worth having is free. You have to really want it and then work towards getting it. And when you finally have it, all the hardship makes the victory taste so much better. I used to tell myself that the good just isn't worth the bad. But what I forgot is that when you really work hard for the good, though the bad... it does become worth it. Keeping positive people in your life is a big factor. Someone who whines a lot or goes emo all the time is not going to be helpful. You need to be the person you want around you. Wake up in the morning and think "yes, another day to learn something new". Trust me, time will prove me right. And soon, you will enjoy life and this moment you are going through right now, it will all be just a bad memory. Fight for your life and be a survivor. I am rooting for you.

The fact that you posted this shows me that you care that you are declining and you just need a nudge. You can do it. high school sucks for almost everyone, but being adult is so much more fun. Once you get out of that hell hole and find your niche in life, you will be glad you worked so hard now. Don’t' worry about not having friends. I have probably 3 or 4 friends, but there are my best friends. I would take a bullet for anyone of them. Those are the type of friends you want anyways. Not 10,000 face book adds. Just be you and you will attract like minded people eventually. Do the things that make you happy and some kid who likes he same thing, will find that you make a great friend. As far as school goes, talk to your teachers. Tell them you are a little under the weather and you need some help. They want to see you succeed, even if they make it really hard. Pick a teacher you trust and go from there. You don't want to ask the one teacher who hates kids... I'd pick a female as they seem to be more compassionate and understanding to teenage struggle. Where as a man would just say something like "Cowboy up".... pft. Be you. :D

Question Asked:
Just another stupid teacher "crush", but huge age difference?40 years. He is 40 years older than me. Well, that's approximate. Let's just say I'm a very young teenager. He's nearly a senior. I may be considered "mature" for my age, but it still doesn't make sense that I would like him, of all people. Well, maybe it does in a way...
On to the point, I realize there are so many people with crushes on teachers, yet less often is there this much of an age gap. Anyone in a similar situation?1 year ago Report Abuse Additional DetailsOmg. No, no, no. I do not want to attempt taking it further or anything like that. Lol. Trust me; I know how bad that would end up being for both of us.

Odizus Replied:

It's normal to have teacher crushes. Some women carry that taste for older men into their adult life. Look at Katharine Zeeta Jones and Michael Douglas. HUGE age difference, but they are happy together. Just make sure you don't pursue your teacher, you could get him fired. If you really liked him, why would you want that? I’d rather secretly obsess and cherish the "in class" moments. But then again, I believe a crush is a dream, something unobtainable. Hang in there. When you get to high school, you will find a market for older guys who really like younger girls and I am sure you will find a hottie with a sick ride. :D Just remember, don't go so high in age difference that it causes problems with the law.
Question Asked:
I am attracted to someone else?A few weeks ago I wrote in about my boyfriend who asked me to marry him 3 yrs ago and we've been together for 6 yrs. Well we have talked about it and the answer he gave me was not the one I wanted. I still love him but I don't feel as close to him. I have been going over to my bothers allot here lately and he has this friend that is living there right now and I am really attracted to him and I find myself flirting with him. I have thought that other guys where attractive but I have never thought anything about them or of it but this guy I find myself thinking about him and it's like I can't wait to talk to him again. I feel really guilty about it but at the same time I don't. So my question is is this normal or not to be attracted to someone else while in relationship?

Odizus Replied:

It sounds like you and your current man have grown apart. It would look so horrible if you dumped one and went for the other; however you need to follow your heart. When life throws huge a fork in my road, I repeat the question I want answered over and over again before i go to bed. When I wake up in the morning, I feel like I have a better sense of direction on the correct road. I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you a little about my best friend.

She has been with the same man off and on again for 8 years. She has gone through the very same thing you are and she always goes back to her man in the end. They were engaged and then not and so on. Currently they are off, but both she and he can not go a day with out talking about the other.

I am telling you this because she hurt a lot of random men on her road with her man. She would get attracted to someone else and pursue them only to leave them high and dry for her first love. Not because she is a bad person, but she can not see that she and her man have grown apart. She is one of those people that think they can still make him a man worthy of her. Don't fall into that trap. If it doesn't work now, will it ever work? Think hard about it and I hope that you make the best decision for you. G'Luck.

And yes, I have told her what I am saying now. But love it blind. Can you see clearly?
Question Asked:
Persuasive paper...needs ideas for topics..?Please no boring, overused topics such as abortion, death penalty etc.Something different and exciting!

Odizus Replied:

There are two different types of persuasive research papers; ANALYTICAL (uses evidence to analyze facets of an issue) or ARGUMENTATIVE (uses evidence to attempt to convince the reader of your particular stance on a debatable topic).

When I was in school people always choose abortion or teen pregnancy. I really wanted to step out of the box, so i wrote a paper on why the Brothers Grimm are the greatest story tellers of all time, which was my belief that I wanted to convey to others. I would not touch the topic of President Bush, the war, or the Twin Towers with a fifty foot stick though. And religion is always a bad road to go down.

You can technically write about anything, just as long as you can prove that it is something you believe, and that you want to persuade others to see your point of view.

You can write about how bubbles are the greatest invention since sliced bread. I suggest something funny. After 50 papers on teen pregnancy and abortion, your teacher will appreciate the levity.


Question Asked:
Has anyone got any good ideas for a sci-fi story?Anything sci-fi-ish
It's a short story, btw

Odizus Replied:

You hear stories all the time about the last man on earth, but what about the last women. So she has the ability to make humans again, but with out a male, how would she try? Maybe that's too far?

Parallel universe, and the effects on human evolution should something have occurred very differently in one of the many disputed ways that we came to "be".

The opposite of the matrix, say we woke up in desolation, only to find out the real world is the earth we know now, but finding out and getting to it is the risk.

Going to bed human waking up robot and the adventure to find out which one is reality and which one was the dream.

I will think more on this and get back to you. :-D

Edited in: Mine is sci-fi-y, I think, as an avid sci fi channel watcher, I was close; Even if the stories aren't that original. I am kind of more into magical and Wicca stories, like Anne Rice's Mayfair chronicles...

Ok, the sun is too hot for us to go near it now, say we develop technology to get close to it, and find that there is an entire species of human with the ability to live there. OR even just a creature of some sort. What could live on a climate so hot that Futurama throws a city sized garbage ball at the sun? There is a very high possibility that I was watching this episode of Futurama at the time and lost train of thought mid sentence... because this idea makes no sense at all, lol! 

Or, take the trees from lord of the rings. Say we are living our lives as normal and one day nature wakes up like those trees and decides to start a war with the human raise for obvious reasons? This answer is 3 years old, way before I had ever heard of the movie "The Happening." Just so you know. 

Or, say we find out what the pyramids really were for, in this day and age, when the creators finally come back to claim the gold we were supposed to be collected over a time period of 33 (x so many thousands, ten or hundred or something) ... a thought.

The world really does end in 2012 like some conspiracy theorist say, and it ends so ironically, or unlike any other way we could have really imagined. Out of the normal realm.

Any who, these are just a few of the questions I answered and only the ones voted "best answer". I really enjoy helping people out. I wanted to be a psychologist when I was little, but life just happens differently sometimes. I think I would enjoy studying people and finding better ways to exist. I can do that as a side hobby though. Live my life to the best of my ability and hope that I am inspiring others along the way. If not, then I will find another life mission. Life is simply a series of moments. Where one door closes, another one is still open. (I know the saying is a "and another door opens, but I like to think other open doors are always on the table of options rather than thinking that I was only given this option because another one was taken away. That's a depressing thought.) As much as I would like the world to be black and white, it's a whole lot of grey area. 

Do you know why we have eyes in the front of our faces? So we are looking forward to the future rather than behind us, our past. Don't give your self whip lash living in past! Go forward! 


I woke up many times this weekend not knowing if it was day or night outside. I secluded myself after having a burst of too much emotion. On...