Sunday, December 30, 2012


One acronym: VRMMORPG (Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). Yea, it’s a real anime concept (that better be on its way to reality - just saying). I first encountered this type when I came across a new series called Accel World. I watched over half of it before I put it on the back burner, due to a disappointing main character (the guy, the girls are great). I thought it was a fluke, a unique anime. Then came SAO (Sword Art Online). From the same creator, except the charters and plot twists were/are way more interesting.

So what is a VRMMORPG? It is a role playing game within a virtual reality device placed on your head that utilizes your 5 senses through your brain. So, you basically become your character in every sense, except when you die, you’re ok; it is after all, just a game.

Twist number one. It’s not just a game, you die here - you die out there. Why? The creator made a world where he could be king. What fun would a world be if you could just check out when you were/are not enjoying an aspect of the game?
Twist number two. Your virtual reality device cannot be removed from the outside like previous games. The public are made aware of this after several people have already plugged in. People begin disappearing because their families try to unplug them. That’s a mistake.
But the king gives his people hope. Reach level 100 and you will be released. Have you ever heard of a king wanting to give his kingdom back to the people? Every level is hard and gets harder, just like your average game. It takes them several months just to clear the first couple of levels. Time spent there is the same time spent out in the real world. What is happening to their bodies in real time? Watch and find out.

The story progresses with a seemly strong main character. It basically resembles the middle ages. Some of the players have even stopped trying to beat the game and have decided to make it their home. Setting up shops, villages and other little amenities. There are safe places a character can go where they cannot be killed. But you could end up stuck if you are a weak player.

The story definitely has aspects that make it an immediate favorite, bumping a few off my top ten list. Later on in the series, they switch it up a bit where we get to see the characters as fairies with the ability to fly. You will have to watch to see that part though.

I hope the series is not over but if it, it was an awesome ride while it lasted. Two thumbs way up. ^_^

Any who… it is in your best interest to check this anime out. Being as it is a new series, you will have to watch it with subtitles. But ask yourself, what English dub has done anime justice lately? Sure, FMA did a good job. But Naruto? Fruit’s basket? I did like some of the Bleach voices. There is one particular voice actress that has a shrill like nails on a chalk board … meh. I won’t say who, but she is in all the popular animes… Makes me want to watch sub only, all the time.

Here is the site I use for new anime: Subbed/Dubbed New/Old Anime

And the site I use when I need to work on something, but want to hear a favorite anime in the background (or if I need to see a Hayao Miyazaki movie): Dubbed Anime

There are tons of other sites, but these ones have rarely let me down. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. ^_^



In case you want more information, you can find the 

Wiki here: SAO Wiki
Wikia here: SAO Wikia (There's a huge difference)
Trailer here: SAO Subbed Trailer

A new religion

Awe the internet.
  • People are not people.
  • Dating is an assignment waiting for completion on your outlook calendar.
  • Advertisers can now read your mind. 
  • Conspiracy theories are the news. 
  • Netflix/Hulu hypnotizes your soul into submission.
  • Facebook/twitter brainwashes you into revealing your personal privacy. 
  • Apple makes you dissatisfied with what you already have.
  • Bullies administer unjust punishment in front of thousands of viewers.
  • Role playing makes you the elf/dwarf/fairy you always wanted to be, because people really are not people, anymore. 

Yea, I am onto you. I see right through the deception.And I fall for it, hook line and sinker, every time. Knowing, is it worse, or better?
A wise man does not cower from knowledge but uses it to his advantage.
I can say that I have always been someone to cower from knowledge. 

Plug my ears and sing some childhood rhyme. I can still be a child right? No, but what does it mean when you know something and do nothing? Did you ignore it because you feel like one lowly bee in a huge hive with too many queen bees? Maybe you are lazy? Or have you already been defeated? Maybe you honestly do not care.

Either way, knowing all the above facts just feels dirty. Let the technology keep advancing so that you lose more of your humanity. Be one with your computer and cell phone. The sound of one’s voice over a phone; do people still communicate like that? It could also be that we choose this road and got stuck on the path. I see others have chosen to remain connected to the real world; people who don’t let the internet control their lives. 

If technology were a religion, would you join? Are you already among the herd? 

I know I am.

A little something to think about on this Sunday, who is really the machine and who is really in control? 


I woke up many times this weekend not knowing if it was day or night outside. I secluded myself after having a burst of too much emotion. On...