Awe the internet.
- People are not people.
- Dating is an assignment waiting for completion on your outlook calendar.
- Advertisers can now read your mind.
- Conspiracy theories are the news.
- Netflix/Hulu hypnotizes your soul into submission.
- Facebook/twitter brainwashes you into revealing your personal privacy.
- Apple makes you dissatisfied with what you already have.
- Bullies administer unjust punishment in front of thousands of viewers.
- Role playing makes you the elf/dwarf/fairy you always wanted to be, because people really are not people, anymore.
Yea, I am onto you. I see right through the deception.And I fall for it, hook line and sinker, every time.
Knowing, is it worse, or better?
A wise man does not cower from knowledge but uses it to his advantage.
I can say that I have always been someone to cower from
Plug my ears and sing some childhood rhyme. I can still be a child
right? No, but what does it mean when you know something and do nothing? Did
you ignore it because you feel like one lowly bee in a huge hive with too many queen
bees? Maybe you are lazy? Or have you already been defeated? Maybe you honestly
do not care.
Either way, knowing all the above facts just feels dirty.
Let the technology keep advancing so that you lose more of your humanity. Be
one with your computer and cell phone. The sound of one’s voice over a phone; do
people still communicate like that? It could also be that we choose this road
and got stuck on the path. I see others have chosen to remain connected to the
real world; people who don’t let the internet control their lives.
technology were a religion, would you join? Are you already among the herd?
I know I
A little something to think about on this Sunday, who is really
the machine and who is really in control?
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