Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Craig's List Rants and Raves, manners much?

I rekindled some old hobbies and started some new ones. In particular, Rants and Raves on CL. It is interesting how others are quick to judge; he who cast the first stone and what not. I could sit back and read the filth the trolls post. Maybe they post so that enraged people will email privately and they can have their fun. I, who cannot keep a thought in my head, have to publicly retort. I simply cannot resist an opportunity to push my morals on to others; sue me. I have come to this simple equation: Man who insults a woman’s weight has a small.. man part. Why else would they take the time and energy to hurt a stranger/s? Perhaps they are lacking in some other way? Or if they are a she, did they lose their lover to a bigger woman? I don’t fully understand the motive of these haters. I do know that rants and raves that lead to hurt and pain need to be addressed. Let us see your photo so that we can pick out the things about your appearance that we do not like. I will be first in line.

First off, I do not like your attitude. I cannot fathom why your mother failed to teach you manners. Your intelligence cannot be very high if you are camping out on CL just to get a rise out of people. You clearly do not understand what an IP address is, as it is only a matter of time before you anger a computer savvy person who could look into your whereabouts. Not to mention that you can be held accountable for everything that is posted on the internet. Nothing is ever erased.

Why am I using my time and energy to even address these trolls?
  1. They do not go away. You can ignore them until you are blue in the face. They are a plague without a cure. A fungus without cream. Roaches after a nuclear war. 
  2. Everyone needs a cause. Some people feed starving kids in Africa. Some people save abused pets. I am taking a stand on trolls. 

I have a retort for every stupid post; all with the same hidden message. Can’t say anything nice, do not speak/type at all. Maybe if I say it enough times in enough ways, it will take root. That’s what my step father did to me. There are some lessons I can’t forget, all of which taught me to be a better person. Sure, I am using a little of their own tactics to fight back, name calling and such, but desperate times call for desperate measures. You don’t fight fire with air. You fight it with fire.

I could post this to rants and raves and elicit many replies from trolls, bullies and other riff raff. Or this could be the start to the re-launch of my blog. I loved blogging once. It was the highlight of my day/week. It had to die though. I never lied on my blog. As a result, too much of me was on display for the world to see. Things you only share with close ones because you trust them not to use your pain and weaknesses against you. I am also glad to start posting again because of some funny dialogue on Futurama. Bender told Lela to calm down and that she could vent about it on her blog later. Bender the robot, Brian the dog, Roger the alien– the great and wise characters of my generation. I am going to vent here. Smile, I am funny. (no, really.)
  1. Bus stop smoker bringing you one step closer to lung cancer? Don’t fret blog about it. 
  2. Retail cashiers insisting you answer their greetings and questions? Don’t fret blog about it. 
  3. Bicyclist not sure whether they should cut off pedestrians or vehicles? Don’t fret blog about it. 
  4. Ice causing a mass city shut down with no transportation solutions and an empty fridge? Don’t fret blog about it. 
  5. Old lady on the bus opening and retying her same loud crinkly grocery bag to obtain a tiny piece of finger food every 3 minutes? Don’t fret blog about it. 
  6. Public cell phones? Don’t fret blog about it.
I could go on, but I think my point has been made. I also know that I am a bit easily annoyed. I watched a Penn and Teller episode about manners a few weeks ago. One of the “experts” had a long laundry list of things he considered to be bad manners. Like a butt load of people cramming into one elevator, rather than waiting for the next one. I agreed with 95% of what he considered to be bad manners. Penn though, said he was an A-hole and needed to get off his high horse. I guess that makes me one. I do believe that most people are not aware of their surroundings. I really do not want any part of your stranger elbow or body part touching mine. I really do not want to hear you breathing (which means you are too close) or that you are going to the Dr. for that rash. If I can smell any foul odor being released through your pores, you are a burden on society. I’d rather jump into the Pudget Sound than inhale your cigarette smoke. If that makes me an A-hole, than call it what it is. I do not fear labels. After all, what is in a name?

I won’t always rant though. The story of Jen, although long, is not all negative. I see unbelievably acts of kindness in Seattle too. I once witnessed a woman drop her wallet right next to a group of gang dressed kids. One of them picked it up and chased after it to return it. Proving that you cannot judge a book by its cover, although, you should be weary – better to be safe than sorry. Also, it is much harder to find inspiration in things that make me happy. Happiness, although enjoyable, does not yield enough passion. My words need to represent me and I am a passionate person. As I have always said, I don’t go half way.

I recently watched an interview with Adele. All her music was written when the love of her life broke her heart. It is a dang good album in deed. But she worries if she can write a second album now that she is so deeply in love with a new beau. I would feel the same way about my blog. What would I write about? Rainbows and butterflies? Pass. There are enough of the glass is half full people out there. There are also enough the glass is half empty people are out there. I am the glass. I can fill it any way I choose. Half air, half water? ¼ water ¾ air? How about some good Seattle coffee, hold the air. ^_^ I doubt anyone is 100% negative or positive. It is a day to day experience that cannot be averaged because you are too biased about yourself and others are not with you all the time of every day of your life. The point is that whoever made up the glass theory just wanted to make people feel good or worse about their current mood or life situation.

Carpe Diem; it is not just a saying, but a life style. Live every day. Not necessarily like it is your last, but as someone who just wants to experience life. Obtain knowledge, worship your temple (body) and laugh. Love should be in there somewhere too, but you can live a full life without love. Who knows, maybe this will be the lifetime that I do. I would choose that fate than to be coupled with someone I don’t love more than myself. I’m vain, sue me. But I think that should be true for everyone. You should want to be their other half. If they are hurt, you are hurt. If they are in the way of a bullet, you are pushing them out of harm’s way. If they are smiling, it is because they can share their happiness with you. If they are mad, you are helping them leave that mood behind. If they are sad, you literally magically turn that frown upside down. Love is magic and not everyone has it or will find it. But I will not ever settle or give up. Magic has a way of finding you. Leading you down the path you have chosen and hoping you take the time to smell the roses. Who knows, maybe your love is smelling them too.

Well, I have been down enough tangents for today. I always love just typing out the words that come to mind while I am thinking on a topic. Just typing; not really altering the road of where the thoughts are taking me. It can be a fun but long journey. At the end, I always have a message. Be as kind as you can. It can be hard to show kindness in a hateful world. But just try and see what doors (and windows) open up for you.

In case you ever read my previous blog entries, I didn't delete those posts, I simply hid some of them. Ok, over half, but I left the ones that were not so personal. I have 43 posts but I am only showing 16 .... dun dun dunnnnnn. They were and are still some of my proudest displays of hidden intelligence, ever. If you know me in person, you know that I have issues pronouncing words, even if I can sound it out in my head; I can't think of the word I want to use; I often use the wrong word or combine words to make up Jenglish; I often lose train of thought on an internal tangent which misrepresents what I wanted to rely in the first place in an argument or conversation. But here, on paper or on my computer, I can be smart. I can use the words I hear in my head and I have time, without pressure to succeed or be impressive, to use the words I want to use. No room for embarrassment or misrepresentation. I can be me. I can breathe and speak freely. Whew, and it feels good.


P.s. I missed you love. <3

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