Thursday, May 26, 2011

Summer of Opportunity !?!?!?!?!?!?!

From time to time, I get this itch to experience what I “think” I’m missing in life. I usually dive in head first before it becomes clear why I was not experiencing this opportunity in the first place; like buying an Xbox 360. I see all these (super cute) boys beating each other on the battle field and I think to my self, oOoOoOoO!  I play their games only to realize that I can’t stay alive even when I hide, lol. (Yes, I took the Xbox back to the store.) I’m not complaining, there is obviously a learning curve.  However, I could save the $300 and go watch boys for free at Game Works…which reminds me: Note to self, visit Game Works this weekend. Muhahahahaha!

The same can be said for any out door activity.  Ok, so I am a princess.  I camp with all my bedding that I can possibly fit into a car and look for any possible reason to stay inside a coffee shop while people observing from the air conditioned establishment.  This summer, I want to dive in head first.  Yes, yes. I just said that I’m a leaper before a looker but there has to be something to this “Out Door Activity” thing that people look forward to every year.  Swimming, running, Frisbee, volley ball, tennis… these could be fun.  And to camp the hard way… a simple tent with one pillow and one sleeping bag… I am still debating that one. But I could go for a great big camp fire, with marshmallows and hot dogs on a stick *DROOL* … good times.  Or even some skinny dipping. Woo!  I don’t want to be a couch potato this year.  In fact, I am debating selling my couch.  Or at least moving it out of the living room so that I have to either or stand or be out and about.  That’s right, I said it.   I am done being an in-doorsey.  I am not trying to be bear grills now…baby steps - really small baby steps.  But I eventually want to camp on a beach and wake up to the smell of the ocean.  Sigh.  Or go out to a field of grass and roll around in it collecting wild flowers.  I haven’t done that since I was 13?  I get so consumed by technology and my professional life that I have forgotten how to enjoy wild Jen.  Getting dirty and not caring how the stain will come out.  Messing up my hair and face and just living in the moment.  Man, I haven’t had dirt in my hair in years.  I think I need some, and not in the spa weekend way. J  That’s it, I’m getting dirty this summer and I am doing it with out make-up and with out a care in the world! June is about to be here…I think I am too late to grow my own pumpkin for Halloween, but there is always next year. I have wanted to do that for so long… I will put it on my calendar: Get pumpkin seeds, get big pot and grow pumpkin for Halloween 2012.  I have to celebrate the end of days somehow. (Isn’t 2012 the year the world ends because the Mayan calendar ends, crazies… lol.)

So that is the plan Stan. Be active! Plus I read on the news headlines that being more active at a younger age encourages a stronger memory for old age. I already have too many senior moments… I need to start counter acting now! *Starts push-up, but falls* Ok, maybe I will start with something simpler, baby steps!

I will be at Folk Life all day Saturday, May 28th @ the Seattle Center volunteering, come see me!

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