It took me a long time to think what to write next. Anime is a hard act to follow ;-) Instead, I found my muse in one of the best shows to ever hit TV, The Flight of the Conchords. (Awesome kiwi band as well)
"I mean, I’m not – you know – embarrassed to admit this, but I can’t really put my emotions into words, so I’ve decided to use lyrics."
- Murray Hewitt
Murray is the band‘s agent leader guy thingie on the show; so just a funny character. In my favorite episode, Number 7 “Drive By”, Murray tries to express his feelings for the leggy blond tech support person, Jessica. And this is not even the funniest part of the episode. Here is a blog that knows what i'm talking about: Click Me.
I guess I have music on the brain again. I spent a good solid hour singing along to my favorite songs on YouTube last night. That is until I found an actual series of Karaoke videos… Anyone else notice how good we all sound singing along real talent? Lame. And let me just point out how hard it is to stay on beat with the music when it’s just you and the music… Even to Mr. Jones, I kept missing the cues. Extra Lame. I think the key to Karaoke is booze. I’m talking straight whiskey, from the bottle. It’ll put hair on your chest… so they say. I’m just glad this hasn't happened to me, a female.
I think we all know what her drink is/was...
Ok, you can hear it in my words. I am frustrated. Things just keep going a little different than I have intended lately. I know, I know; never complain. I will say this; a certain phrase comes to mind:
One step forward, two steps back.
Wow, a quick Google search (because I don’t like being wrong) informed me that all these phrases I hold so dear actually have a name. Ready for it? Idioms! Have you ever heard such a cool word? It’s right up there with alliteration and contradiction. Sigh. My pal dictionary dot com can shed some light.
Idiom [id-ee-uhm]: A traditional way of saying something. Often an idiom, such as “under the weather,” does not seem to make sense if taken literally. Someone unfamiliar with English idioms would probably not understand that to be “under the weather” is to be sick.
Even funnier, the synonym for idiom is phrase, lol. When I looked into the definition of “one step forward, two steps back, it was actually kind of depressing.
Something that you say which means every time you make progress, something bad happens which causes you to be in a worse situation than you were to begin with Every solution we come up with seems to create more problems than it solves, so it's one step forward, two steps back.,+two+steps+back
I have had some events occur that made all my hard effort appear to be wasted, but rarely putting me in a worse off situation. Luckily, I can use the above cited site to find a more fitting idiom, yay! See, my day is already looking up. A mission at last!
Overall, I found some very funny idioms or what a forum poster referred to as “colloquialisms”. Some were already in my vocabulary to describe other situations I have been in; like beating a dead horse, herding cats or tits on a bull. However, all these wasted effort idioms just don’t do it for me. The search continues! And just in case, dictionary dot com to the rescue, again:
Colloquial [kuh-loh-kwee-uhl]: characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing; informal.
Think, if “one step forward, two steps back” had a baby with “having to do a guilt ridden obligation in vain” minus all the negative underlying vibes and that would be my yesterday. It’s ok if you aren’t successful in every mission. It can be hard to deal with if it feels like every mission is going that way. I did have a silver lining in my grey cloud; Or as one could say, a rainbow after the rain.
A special thanks to Jerad for sharing his story with me on the comments of my first Anime blog post. I have heard of Space Battleship Yamato from Daryl Surat on his collaborative pod cast, Anime World Order.
It sounds like a diamond in the rough for sure!! And is definitely on my list of need to see Anime. I can’t express how happy this comment made me. I started this blog for a lot of reasons, but none are as important as openly discussing my interests with more informed people. Anime fans unite!
A final thought… What silly phrases cheer you up in spite of your circumstances? Does your vocabulary include a lot of phrases that are actually considered to be idioms? I am starting to notice that I am a walking book of common American idioms, clichés and colloquialisms. My grandma and mom were the same. I remember how my mom always said, “close, but no cigar.” I’d say I got the cigar on this post. *Two thumbs up*
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