Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sun, it does exist?

Rain, Rain, go away…

Do you ever wake u happy to see a change in weather? I have this multicolored Orangey curtain pinned to cover the many front windows of my door. This morning, the sun was shining through it and it was gorgeous! It’s strange how our tastes mutate in such tiny ways when we are improving our selves. I love rain; it’s a fact about me. But there is something about the cold rain that has just been ruined for me. I am actually longing for the sun. GASP! I can’t believe I just said that. I have been anti-sun for so long. On the road to be being a more positive person, you just leave behind some of the pleasures that comforted you as a negative nelly or what I justified as a “Realist”.

Regardless of Seattle’s choice to rain during its coldest points every year, I still love this town. Non-locals never believe me when I say that we actually have droughts and fire bans in the summer. In fact, most work consumed locals don’t agree either. Just open your eyes and pay attention. We actually get highs in the 100’s that stay pretty steady through July and August. Sometimes it doesn't rain for a month or more and even when it rains, it’s for 5 minutes. I’d say that Seattle has a little bit of everything for everyone. But that doesn't mean we need more rain haters moving here. We get rain, don’t like it, move outta my city. :D  YAY, more room for Odizus!

I will leave you with this, are you a a Seattlite who loathes rain? Do you carry an umbrella? Be honest. :D I have an emergency umbrella in case it starts pouring or if I am in work attire. I rarely use it though, honest. :) 

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